insideHPC Special Report Riding the Wave of Machine Learning & Deep Learning

White Papers > Analytics > insideHPC Special Report Riding the Wave of Machine Learning & Deep Learning
machine learning

Many companies are moving decisively to develop capabilities based on AI, machine learning and deep learning. In time-honored business fashion, the motivation is a combination of fear and hope. Competitive pressures are spurring companies on, and there is a sense of urgency amongst many enterprise thought leaders about not falling behind.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning-decades-old technologies that are now electrifying the computing industry-for all intents and purposes, seem to be in the process of transforming corporate America. But why is AI so hot right now? Many experts believe it’s because, after 50 years of promises that AI was going to solve critical problems, it’s finally working.

AI, machine learning and deep learning are transforming the entire world of technology, but these technologies are only making headway now due to the proliferation of data and the investments being made in storage, compute and analytics solutions. Much of this progress is due to the ability of learning algorithms to spot patterns in larger and larger amounts of data.

At first glance, when looking out over the global business landscape, some companies might be considered as “under-investing” in computer systems for AI.  Companies first steps should include the “Five-stepenterprise AI strategy”.  To learn more about riding the wave of machine learning and deep learning download this insideHPC special report.

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