Best of for AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning – March 2018

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In this recurring monthly feature, we filter recent research papers appearing on the preprint server for compelling subjects relating to AI, machine learning and deep learning – from disciplines including statistics, mathematics and computer science – and provide you with a useful “best of” list for the past month. Researchers from all over the world contribute to this repository as a prelude to the peer review process for publication in traditional journals. arXiv contains a veritable treasure trove of learning methods you may use one day in the solution of data science problems. We hope to save you some time by picking out articles that represent the most promise for the typical data scientist. The articles listed below represent a fraction of all articles appearing on the preprint server. They are listed in no particular order with a link to each paper along with a brief overview. Especially relevant articles are marked with a “thumbs up” icon. Consider that these are academic research papers, typically geared toward graduate students, post docs, and seasoned professionals. They generally contain a high degree of mathematics so be prepared. Enjoy!

Adversarial Network Compression

Neural network compression has recently received much attention due to the computational requirements of modern deep models. In this paper, the objective is to transfer knowledge from a deep and accurate model to a smaller one. The research’s contributions are threefold: (i) propose an adversarial network compression approach to train the small student network to mimic the large teacher, without the need for labels during training; (ii) introduce a regularization scheme to prevent a trivially-strong discriminator without reducing the network capacity and (iii) the approach generalizes on different teacher-student models.

Learning Unsupervised Learning Rules

A major goal of unsupervised learning is to discover data representations that are useful for subsequent tasks, without access to supervised labels during training. Typically, this goal is approached by minimizing a surrogate objective, such as the negative log likelihood of a generative model, with the hope that representations useful for subsequent tasks will arise as a side effect. This paper proposes instead to directly target a later desired task by meta-learning an unsupervised learning rule, which leads to representations useful for that task.

code2vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Code

This paper presents a neural model for representing snippets of code as continuous distributed vectors. The main idea is to represent code as a collection of paths in its abstract syntax tree, and aggregate these paths, in a smart and scalable way, into a single fixed-length code vector, which can be used to predict semantic properties of the snippet.

Group Normalization

Batch Normalization (BN) is a milestone technique in the development of deep learning, enabling various networks to train. However, normalizing along the batch dimension introduces problems — BN’s error increases rapidly when the batch size becomes smaller, caused by inaccurate batch statistics estimation. This limits BN’s usage for training larger models and transferring features to computer vision tasks including detection, segmentation, and video, which require small batches constrained by memory consumption. This paper, by Facebook AI Researchers (FAIR), presents Group Normalization (GN) as a simple alternative to BN. GN divides the channels into groups and computes within each group the mean and variance for normalization. GN’s computation is independent of batch sizes, and its accuracy is stable in a wide range of batch sizes.

Deformable Convolutional Networks

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are inherently limited to model geometric transformations due to the fixed geometric structures in its building modules. This paper introduces two new modules to enhance the transformation modeling capacity of CNNs, namely, deformable convolution and deformable RoI pooling. Both are based on the idea of augmenting the spatial sampling locations in the modules with additional offsets and learning the offsets from target tasks, without additional supervision. The code can be found HERE.

Complex-YOLO: Real-time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds

Lidar based 3D object detection is inevitable for autonomous driving, because it directly links to environmental understanding and therefore builds the base for prediction and motion planning. The capacity of inferencing highly sparse 3D data in real-time is an ill-posed problem for lots of other application areas besides automated vehicles, e.g. augmented reality, personal robotics or industrial automation. This paper introduces Complex-YOLO, a state of the art real-time 3D object detection network on point clouds only. The work described is a network that expands YOLOv2, a fast 2D standard object detector for RGB images, by a specific complex regression strategy to estimate multi-class 3D boxes in Cartesian space.

Averaging Weights Leads to Wider Optima and Better Generalization

Deep neural networks are typically trained by optimizing a loss function with an SGD variant, in conjunction with a decaying learning rate, until convergence. This paper shows that simple averaging of multiple points along the trajectory of SGD, with a cyclical or constant learning rate, leads to better generalization than conventional training. The paper also shows that this Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA) procedure finds much broader optima than SGD, and approximates the recent Fast Geometric Ensembling (FGE) approach with a single model.

Deep Super Learner: A Deep Ensemble for Classification Problems

Deep learning has become very popular for tasks such as predictive modeling and pattern recognition in handling big data. Deep learning is a powerful machine learning method that extracts lower level features and feeds them forward for the next layer to identify higher level features that improve performance. However, deep neural networks have drawbacks, which include many hyper-parameters and infinite architectures, opaqueness into results, and relatively slower convergence on smaller data sets. While traditional machine learning algorithms can address these drawbacks, they are not typically capable of the performance levels achieved by deep neural networks. To improve performance, ensemble methods are used to combine multiple base learners. Super learning is an ensemble that finds the optimal combination of diverse learning algorithms. This paper proposes deep super learning as an approach which achieves log loss and accuracy results competitive to deep neural networks while employing traditional machine learning algorithms in a hierarchical structure.

Autostacker: A Compositional Evolutionary Learning System

This paper introduces an automatic machine learning (AutoML) modeling architecture called Autostacker, which combines an innovative hierarchical stacking architecture and an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) to perform efficient parameter search. Neither prior domain knowledge about the data nor feature preprocessing is needed. Using EA, Autostacker quickly evolves candidate pipelines with high predictive accuracy. These pipelines can be used as is or as a starting point for human experts to build on.


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  1. Thank you for introducing me to the paper on Autostacker: A Compositional Evolutionary Learning System. I love the idea that the user can make use of pipelines either as a good place to start or something to continue layering additional expertise on top of.