Video Highlights: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Maximizing Profits — with Prof. Barrett Thomas

In this video presentation, our good friend Jon Krohn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at the machine learning company Nebula, is joined by Dr. Barrett Thomas, an esteemed Research Professor in at the University of Iowa’s College of Business, to delve deep into Markov decision processes and how they relate to Deep Reinforcement Learning.

AI Under the Hood: Mixing Things Up – Optimizing Fluid Mixing with Machine Learning

Fluid mixing is an important part of several industrial processes and chemical reactions. However, the process often relies on trial-and-error-based experiments instead of mathematical optimization. While turbulent mixing is effective, it cannot always be sustained and can damage the materials involved. To address this issue, researchers from Japan (Tokyo University of Science) have now proposed an optimization approach to fluid mixing for laminar flows using machine learning, which can be extended to turbulent mixing as well.