Fast Machine Learning for Smart Cities: RocketML at Global Tech Jam

In this video from the Global Tech Jam 2018 conference on Smart Cities, Santi Adavani from RocketML describes how the company’s innovative software speeds Machine Learning. “To find the best model for a problem, data scientists try out different algorithms. With RocketML, they don’t have to. It is like a Hyperloop solution to go from point A to point Z. Simplified workflow yields new benefits.”

The Future of Smart Cities

In this contributed article, freelance human Avery Phillips discusses the evolution of smart cities from the perspective of how urbanscapes will be run more efficiently through the collection of big data and the use of connected IoT devices. Hospitals will be better able to care for their patients and transportation will run more smoothly than ever. Even though we don’t know what the future holds, we can still look forward to a smarter tomorrow.

AI vision system PIXEVIA Recognizes Cars and People on Video in Real-time for Smart Cities

Well functioning traffic flows, real-time parking availability, increased security and swift crime solving, cost-efficient defect detection in the infrastructure or updates on road conditions – smart cities could already be taking advantage of real-time fully automated video surveillance from drones, ground vehicles with video cameras and CCTV, Lithuanian startup PIXEVIA claims.

Interview: Roei Ganzarski, President and CEO of BoldIQ

I recently caught up with Roei Ganzarski, President and CEO of BoldIQ, to talk about the “smart cities” revolution taking place that’s powered by IoT technology.