3 Reasons to Consider Text Mining

White Papers > Analytics > 3 Reasons to Consider Text Mining
text mining

A growing number of life science companies use text mining to gather important insights from vast amounts of published information. The results of mining projects inform a wide range of business activities including drug discovery, drug interactions, clinical trial development, drug safety monitoring and competitive intelligence. Mining gives your R&D team the ability to examine available literature to guide business decisions and prioritize investments.

If your organization has not yet pursued text mining, this paper gives you three reasons to start:

Enhance R&D Efficiency: Shortening the research process enables your highly-skilled R&D team to focus on discovery and innovation, accelerating speed-to-market.

Increase Discovery: Unlike search engines, which surface documents based on keywords, text mining tools analyze documents to identify entities and extract relationships between them.

Monitor Drug Safety: The results of mining help companies make the best use of their investment in R&D and avoid late stage drug development failures.

Download the full report from the Copyright Clearance Center to learn more about three of the top reasons to consider implementing text mining in your business.

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