Machine learning for all: the democratizing of a technology

White Papers > Artificial Intelligence > Machine learning for all: the democratizing of a technology

In this short eBook, you'll discover automated machine learning using has dedicated itself to democratizing all aspects of AI, including machine
learning. H2O Driverless AI is a machine learning solution that automates AI for nontechnical
users. So-called "AutoML" solutions like H2O Driverless AI are rising in popularity for enterprises across a wide range of industries. With it, users can build robust, fast, and accurate machine learning solutions. It also includes visualization and interpretability features that explain the data modeling results in plain English, fostering further adoption and trust in AI. is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Machine Learning Competency Partner. Its
products work with AWS services to provide such functionality as computer vision using
Amazon Rekognition, and customer contact center services using Amazon Connect.
With H2O Driverless AI from, you can:

  • Automatically engineer model features.
  • Power your efforts with the compute capabilities of Amazon EC2.
  • Store your data using Amazon S3 and other AWS storage services.
  • Automate model tuning and stacking.
  • Deploy models using AWS Lambda.



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