Podcast: Big Data Powers the Future of Sports at the Prediction Machine

Over at The Register, Dan Olds writes that Big Data is powering amazing fortune-telling capabilities for sports at the Prediction Machine. “My pal Rich Brueckner and I had a chance to interview PredictionMachine.com founder Paul Bessire as part of our Radio Free HPC podcast a few weeks ago. In the programme, Paul discusses the genesis of the Predictalator and how he turned his master’s degree in quantitative analysis into a full-time business. Along the way, we talk about what’s involved in analysing sports and how they arrived at their winning formula. It’s interesting listening for anyone who has ever been curious about applying scientific methodology to sports.

With Continuuity 2.0, Java Developers can easily Build Hadoop and HBase Apps

With Continuuity Reactor 2.0, Java Developers can easily Build Hadoop and HBase Apps. The Big Data App server now includes new production-ready features including MapReduce Scheduling, High Availability, Resource Isolation and full REST API support.

Slidecast: SGI to Speed High Performance Analysis with Big Data Innovations

Drawing on extensive expertise and experience in HPC and managing high volume storage, SGI is introducing new solutions to perform Big Data analytics faster. Now the enterprise can achieve extreme capacity and scale needed for Big Data storage, and manage storage investments more cost effectively.

Slidecast: Koality – A Continuous Testing Platform for the Cloud

Koality is a seamless server-side application that sits between your startup’s repository and your engineers’ computers to improve code changes.

Enabling Real-Time Analytics Using Hadoop Map/Reduce

Welcome to real-time analytics for Hadoop! ScaleOut hServer V2 is the world’s first in-memory execution engine for Hadoop MapReduce. Now you can analyze live data using standard Hadoop MapReduce code, in memory and in parallel without the need to install and manage the Hadoop stack of software.


Dave Rosenthal from FoundationDB speaks to the history of NoSQL, problems that have arisen due to a lack of data consistency in NoSQL, his views on the CAP Theorem and where it’s all headed.

Slidecast: Introducing the QuantCell Big Data Spreadsheet

QuantCell is a big data spreadsheet and an end-user programming tool. It improves turnaround time and enables SMEs to benefit from big data. It enables non-developers to build complex analysis, models and applications, and it brings the capabilities of major programming languages to the spreadsheet user. QuantCell supports real time Big Data frameworks and Apache Hadoop installations.

Clustrix – Scaleout SQL Database Engineered for the Cloud

In this slidecast, Robin Purohit of Clustrix describes the company’s leading scale-out SQL database engineered for the cloud.

Slidecast: Are You Ready for Big Data Analytics?

In this slidecast, Bill Jacobs from Revolution Analytics presents: Are You Ready for Big Data Analytics? Revolution Analytics delivers advanced analytics software at half the cost of existing solutions. By building on open source R—the world’s most powerful statistics software—with innovations in big data analysis, integration and user experience, Revolution Analytics meets the demands and […]

Podcast: How Google Cloud Datastore Handles Trillions of Transactions

DeMichillie talks about the lessons Google learned from building its search behemoth and how they are applicable to a cloud that non-Googlers can use.