Unified Analytics for Dummies: Accelerate AI Innovation

In this Databricks e-book, you not only discover how to avoid and overcome the most common challenges impacting AI success, but a new concept is also introduced. Download the new e-book that explores Unified Analytics, a concept that brings together solutions that unify data science and data engineering, making AI much more achievable for enterprise organizations and enabling them to accelerate their AI initiatives.

Introduction to Statistical Analysis and Outlier Detection Methods

Our friends over at Noah Data have written a research style paper, Introduction to Statistical Analysis and Outlier Detection Methods, that discusses how statistical data can generally be classified in terms of number of variables as Univariate, Bivariate or Multivariate. Univariate data has only one variable, Bivariate data has two variables and Multivariate data has […]

Survey Finds Barriers That Prevent Organizations From Realizing Data Science Return on Investment

With the growth, change, and perhaps excessive hype in data science today, many in the field are interested in better understanding how their data science management programs compare with programs in other companies. To help provide this insight, Domino Data Lab conducted a survey of more than 250 data science leaders and practitioners across organizations of all sizes and a variety of industries.

Research of 1,001 Data Scientist LinkedIn Profiles

Data science is a super-hot topic and the data scientist job is the sexiest job of the 21st century according to the Harvard Business Review. But how does one actually become a data scientist? For you it doesn’t really matter how others became data scientists. What you are interested in is whether you can become […]

The Practical Guide to Managing Data Science at Scale

Lessons from the field on managing data science projects and portfolios The ability to manage, scale, and accelerate an entire data science discipline increasingly separates successful organizations from those falling victim to hype and disillusionment. Data science managers have the most important and least understood job of the 21st century. This paper from Domino Data […]