How the Retail Sector Is Reaping the Rewards of Data Analytics

In this contributed article, freelance human Avery Phillips discusses some of the most powerful ways that the use of analytics has transformed the markets from supply chain and marketing to customer service and beyond.

How AI is Transforming the Customer Experience

Today’s customer experience is practically unrecognizable from just a few years earlier. We’re able to cancel orders without ever speaking to a human, get essential supplies delivered to our door just by talking to a speaker, and get pitch-perfect recommendations wherever we go online. Not only has AI transformed the purchasing journey for the consumer, but on the brand side as well. The infographic below from Chattermill provides a few examples of the way AI is used in CX every day.

How AI Unlocks Brand Value in Unstructured Data

n this special guest feature, Ido Ramati, Founder, COO & President at Revuze, discusses how unstructured data is being wasted by companies the world over. It is estimated 90 percent of an enterprise’s data is unstructured, living in emails, online reviews, or other untouched and ultimately useless formats. This data – defined as “unstructured” and growing at 55 to 65 percent each year – offers valuable customer insight if properly understood.

Machine Learning is Your Secret Weapon for Customer Acquisition

In this contributed article, Swiftpage ACT! LLC CTO Chad Ruff discusses how machine learning and AI can help companies grow and improve customer acquisition and retention. Machine learning is the AI focal point for your customer relationship management (CRM) tool and can be the key to boosting your customer acquisition.

Conversational AI—A New Wave Of Chat-Enabled Customer Service

In this contributed article, Henry Vaage Iversen, Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer for, discusses how conversational AI-powered virtual agents have begun to take over from the inefficient chatbots of the previous decade, standing up to current customer service requirements as we move into 2020 and beyond.

How AI is Demystifying B2B Customer Loyalty

In this special guest feature, Dan Zimmerman, Chief Product and Information Officer at MSTS, discusses how AI can help crack the code of brand loyalty. Using AI, it’s possible to compare two seemingly-identical buyers, and accurately predict which will continue purchasing from the seller. This allows companies to identify unique opportunities and better pinpoint where to focus resources.

How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing How We Sell

In this special guest feature, Adam Honig, CEO of Spiro, discusses how proactive relationship management isn’t leveraging AI to replace humans, but instead is helping highly paid sales professionals work more effectively and providing sales leaders with critical insights into their pipelines.

How AI is Uncovering Hidden Treasures in Online Conversion & Revenue Growth

In this special guest feature, Michael Scharff, CEO of Evolv, believes that in the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, today’s ideal customer experience may not be so ideal tomorrow. Fortunately, retailers can now use the power of AI and data-driven insights from online customer behavior to define that optimal experience today as well as in the future.

How Amazon Used Big Data to Rule E-Commerce

In this contributed article, tech blogger Caleb Danziger outlines some reasons Amazon and big data plans often arise in discussions about why companies thrive. Amazon is an e-commerce giant in today’s consumer landscape, and its success didn’t come by accident. The brand frequently taps into big data to make decisions, stimulate purchases and please customers.

How Big Brands Are Using Automated Data Analytics That Bring Results

In this special guest feature, Steve Habazin, Content Management Specialist with Latana, discusses how big brands are choosing and using the right data analytics that will bring results. Data, data, data. Something very valuable to brands. They need it in order to make informed decisions and in the long term, make their brand grow.